Wednesday 2 December 2015

December update

Hello parents,
As we head into the last two weeks of school before 2016 students in 4I are working on a variety of interesting topics. 

We are learning about light and energy in Science.  Grade 4 students should be able to define and explain the following terminology:

With Mme Davis students are learning about animal habitats, including the four parts of a habitat.

In French students are practicing their writing skills using a modeled/shared writing format. After looking at various models, the class writes a sample together.  Students then use the format practiced to write independently.  The writing that was sent home Wednesday is a sample of your child's writing using this modeled format. You are looking for the proper use of transition words (d'abord, ensuite, puis), use of verbs in the past tense, capital letters and proper punctuation.  You can also see how a writer organizes their text and ideas when writing in their 2nd (or 3rd!!) language.  There are two teacher edits and multiple student edits that were done before the final writing on the back of the booklet. 

You will also see two pieces of art coming home today.  One is a painting, the other a map of Canada.  Students were asked to define the 6 geographic regions of Canada through drawings.  You may see farms in the Prairies, or mountains on the west coast.
The painting of the snowy scene is meant to show the position of shadows.  Students were asked to place the moon and trees, and then place the shadows based on the position of the moon.  They used a shoe box, flashlight and toy tree to experiment with the shadow, and then drew this into their painting. 

We will be looking for volunteers to help during the last week of school, Dec 14th - Dec 18th.  We are gearing up for a large class project for which we will need volunteers.  If you are available, let me know time and day.  I will pick the days that work the best for as many people as possible.  Ideally, we are looking for 1.5 - 2.5 hour blocks, but anything is helpful!  If you are available, it would be a great opportunity to see your kids in action. 

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